Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Pondering...while in the hospital

* Learning to change the saying 'Health is Wealth' to 'Wealth is Health' or 'One that is wealthy (or the insured)can afford to get health care'...
* Getting few good news on my health side:)
* Cursing all the Doctors who diagnosed me incorrectly; for having made me swallow those bitter pills for one whole year; for preventing me from having some delicious food items for so long...
* Looking at my daughter from the fifth floor window...
* Listening to her speak new words (umbella for umbrella and Hydabd for Hyderabad)over the phone...
* Watching cookery shows just to increase my food cravings...
* Fighting with the sisters and canteen boys to get a cup of Horlicks (my condition was never so pathetic)...

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